Setting out
2004, steal, paper, 5 x circa 90 x 80 x 70 cm

2014, porcelain, plaster, 50 x 35 x 30 cm

Lustfully stretching my claws
2012, soap stone, 8 x circa 20 x 15 x 10 cm

2009, porcelain, 6 x circa 15 x 10 x 6 cm
The Electress Louise Henriette of Orange brought gardeners from her country to Brandenburg. Among other things, they occupied themselves with the cultivation of potatoes.
Fruits of a hybrid mixture
purely white, fresh from the laboratory or the hidden shadows,
germinate, drift, grab, growing into strange beings

in unknown water
2007, Aquamediale, installation in the river Spree in Lübben / Spreewald, styrofoam, 13 x circa 1 m hoch
Luring plants in unknown water stretch their feelers out of the wet, blooming, shiny white, swaying in the stream, looping, writhing, grasping, hugging, pulling down into the clouded ground.

Animal crossing
2005, Skulpturenradweg, Zimmern/Odenwald, steal, 7 x circa 300 x 90 x 30 cm
Quiet in the forest. Abruptly poised. Surprisingly the pack rushes out of the thicket in long leaps, crosses the path in flying haste, between trunks and bushes, disappears hidden from any view. Pause.

from the tips of the tree
2004, steal hand forged, 7 x circa 150 – 190 cm lang